月之光影 -Moonlight Shadow-

Pixel | Art | Design – in Second Life

Due to the accident of fate, V. Adams contacted you through Lifeline. Thanked to your advice from time to time, he got to overcome some difficulties. While he was being hunted down by ALT, Adams had to go radio silent for your safety. After some time, he came back for you by a new comm, connecting you in these 0 and 1 network oceans, just like the line of fate.

V. Adams was a cyborg made by Dr. Sibellius, a scientist belonging to the company ALT. There were five “Adams” from the Adams series, and the one you met was the fifth: V. He once had four brothers, but they all died in incidents. I lost his mind and attacked V, V killed him out of self-defense; II suicided; III was killed in the helicopter crashed; IV sacrificed himself to help V escape. V lost his memories, but in the end, despite knowing the whole truth regarding his mechanic identity, he still wished to become a human.





  覺得自由的時間隨著年歲增加越來越少了,即使玩遊戲的愛好不變,能全心全意投入其中心力也變得得衡量比例輕重,也要挑選遊戲的品質──非聲光效果的品質,而是做為一個可以讓人體驗、冒險其中的世界的品質,所以我又回去玩古典單機遊戲諸如Baldur's Gate和Fallout系列、甚至是NetHack了。一款好玩的遊戲,是放了二十年再回來重玩也會覺得好玩的遊戲,是不用連上網路為裝備和卡面課金,一個人也能獲得樂趣的遊戲。





Last month, I got depressed about learning English.

Sometimes I feel depressed about learning English.

It doesn't give me the feedback I expected even though I spend a lot of time learning. The TOEIC grade has been stuck at 500-600 range for a long time, which consumes me with self doubt. Did I get the method wrong? Or should I take lessons with a cram school? I am confused.

Few hours later, I got a message from a LingQ user, she corrected the paragraph and said: you're doing great keep practicing. I thank her for the encouragement.

Nowadays I feel better. I must thank those kind people who sent messages with encouragement. Thank you all very much.

Most of the time, someone who claims I am a loser because of test scores is Taiwanese or Chinese, they are not native speakers of English. It might be a facet of Asian culture. I think being self-critical make people easy to control with advertisement and manners, like some kind of herd behavior. It's hard to get rid of the stress from culture. I'm still learning to practice with happiness rather than fear.

#diary #language

via JSeesaw

I'm incubating and waiting for seeing the world again. Estoy incubando y esperando volver a ver el mundo.

Taken with Pentax *ist DS. 20190503 #PixelKnot

#photography #nature

Sometimes I feel depressed about learning English.

It doesn't give me the feedback I expected even though I spend a lot of time learning. The TOEIC grade has been stuck at 500-600 range for a long time, which consumes me with self doubt. Did I get the method wrong? Or should I take lessons with a cram school? I am confused.

Few hours later, I got a message from a LingQ user, she corrected the paragraph and said: you're doing great keep practicing. I thank her for the encouragement.

#diary #language

via JSeesaw





via JSeesaw

The green lived beyond the decay. El verde vivió más allá de la decadencia.

Taken with Pentax *ist DS. 20190411 #PixelKnot

#photography #nature

via J-bit Animation

I made this animation in 2008/12 by ink and edited with AfterEffect. This animation compared the transgender to the gynandromorph.

The lost butterfly got stuck in the fishbowl which is as same as the unreasonably preconceived idea. Some butterflies ignored, but some butterflies came to help.

We hope all of us, no matter the gender and sex orientation, will love and beloved each other.

#art #ink #animation #transgender #LGBTQ  


Recently, I considered living without Google. The idea came up to me after reading the reflection from @switchingsoftware.

switching.social – Ethical alternatives to popular sites and apps https://switching.software/

I agreed with SwitchingSocial's perspective so that my first step was trying to conduct my mobile life without Google services. However, it was really hard in practice and required some time to build new habits.

For these reasons, my mobile phone, Samsung Galaxy Core Prime (Samsung G360G) which has 1G RAM / 8G ROM / 32G microSD and operates in Android 4.4.4 system, is doing its best to install these applications. I change the default launcher into T-UI Launcher and use Holo Launcher for daily work.

Then I switched Google Services to alternatives.




  1. Flipboard蒐集自己有興趣的閱讀材料(文章、影音),存到Pocket,同時練習快速略讀。

  2. 在Pocket讀完全文,確認文章難度和內容精彩度來決定是否收錄至LingQ,再用NaturalReader補足音檔。

  3. 匯入至LingQ學習:聽、讀、說、寫。

  4. 匯出單字和片語到其他工具複習:Quizlet、Anki、Flashcards等。

  這看似就只是一個找資料、閱讀、複習單字等平凡無奇的過程,為何需要這麼多工具呢?這些工具其實都有各自的作用,當然撇開這些工具,回歸最原始的看書看英文學習雜誌、背例句單字、寫考題也不是不行,但套裝雜誌和教科書的內容未必讓你感興趣,再說現在大部分人拿手機的時間會比拿書多,而這些工具的特色就在於蒐集和整理網路資料相當方便,學習這件事最事半功倍也最重要的還是莫過於「找自己有興趣的材料來學習」, 所以接下來會一一圖文講解這個流程。



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